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2 Kasım 2007 Cuma

Welcome to the WPN Features Section. Here we showcase some of the best photographic journalism from around the world

Protestors shout slogans against the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) in the southeastern Turkish province of Sirnak, bordering Iraq, on Tuesday, October 23, 2007. They protested against the killing of Turkish soldiers by Kurdish rebels earlier in the week. Iraq pledged on Tuesday to crack down on Kurdish separatists launching attacks on Turkey from hideouts in northern Iraq. (Ozan Koseoglu/SeskimPhoto/WpN)**TURKEY OUT**

A Turkish soldier patrols the southeastern Turkish province of Sirnak, on Wednesday, October 24, 2007. Turkish warplanes and troops have attacked Kurdish rebels inside Iraq and forces are being built up on the border, but Ankara, the Turkish capital and center of Turkish government, is holding back from any major strike for now, military sources said on Wednesday. (Ozan Koeoglu/SeskimPhoto/WpN) **TURKEY OUT**

Several wives and family members cry after they said goodbye to their loved ones deploying to Iraq with the 4th Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division Wednesday, Oct. 24, 2007 at the Army post at Fort Stewart, Georgia. The brigade is the last of the division's four brigades to deploy since it led the drive into Baghdad and was the first to reach the Iraqi capital in 2003. **China Out**

A student stands in front of Turkish soldiers on the 84th anniversary of the Turkish Republic in the town of Sirnak, Turkey near the Turkey-Iraq border, on Monday, October 29, 2007. Massive patriotic parades were held in Turkish cities as fighting continues between the military and separatist Kurdish rebels. (Ozan Koseoglu

Children approach Turkish soldiers on patrol near the Iraq border, in the province of Sirnak, southeast Turkey, Tuesday, October 30, 2007. Turkish attack helicopters fired rockets into Kurdish rebel positions in mountains near the Iraq border, one of several clashes as government forces kept up the pressure on the guerrillas. Two Turkish soldiers were killed in the fighting, according to reports. (Ozan Koseoglu/SeskimPhoto/WpN)

A Turkish soldier observes the terrain while patrolling the mountains near the Iraq border, in the province of Sirnak, southeast Turkey, on Tuesday, October 30, 2007. Turkish attack helicopters fired rockets into Kurdish rebel positions in mountains near the Iraq border, one of several clashes as government forces kept up the pressure on the guerrillas. Two Turkish soldiers were killed in the fighting, according to reports.

A barren staircase leads up to the sky where a home that used to be standing is now burnt to the ground, after wildfires ravaged Lancashire St. in Rancho Bernardo, Calif., on Thursday, Oct. 25, 2007. The San Diego wildfires devastated thousands of homes across Southern California, in many neighborhoods certain homes were completely destroyed, while others remained untouched.

Salinas, CA firefighter Roy Hunley prepares to extinguish a brush fire in a residential area of Ramona, California on Monday, October 22, 2007. As of Monday morning, the Witch fire in Ramona has burned approximately 8,000 acres and the entire town was evacuated.

Portrait of Elvison Khriam (right) in Cherrapunjee, India on Friday, Aug. 18, 2006. Children often work within the lime kilns and coal mines in Cherrapunjee.A girl and her little brother sell afghan bread, called nan, on the streets of Kabul, Afghanistan. Because of the deep poverty, child laborers are an indispensable part of country's economy.

n a sweatshop in south Delhi an eight year old child and a young boy use a special tool to sew crystals into saris on Friday, March 23, 2007.

A boy sells afghan bread, called "nan," at a bakery in Kabul, Afghanistan. Because of the deep poverty in Afghanistan, child laborers are an indispensable part of the economy.

A child worker from the brick factory in Mattni, Peshawar, Pakistan on Wednesday, Dec. 1, 2004. Two million Afghans escaped to Peshawar, which is on the Pakistani border, during the war. The Pakistanis refuse to take jobs like these because of the poor wages and the highly dangerous pollution. The kiln owners lend families money, about two hundred dollars, placing them into indentured servitude. For 1,000 bricks, the family receives two dollars. This day rate is just enough to feed the family. If, for any reason, for example, illness, or weather, the 1,000 bricks are not made, the workers are not paid. The debt is transferred to the following generation, and therefore, some families at the brick factories in Mattni are five generations in debt, with no hope of paying it off.

Tanzania Brick-making Traditional brick-making in the Kigoma region of Tanzania, June 28, 2003.

Philippines Scavenger Children Children stand on a landscape of garbage in a dump near Pier 18 in Manila, Philippines, on Nov. 4, 2005

Sierra Leone Child Labor A little boy sells water in street of Freetown, capital city of Sierra Leone, Wednesday, August 8, 2007. More than 70% of the country's population still live on the poverty line. Children from impoverished households have to make their own living at early age.

Indonesia Child Labor In the Citalang village of Purwakarta, Indonesia, two young girls work at a roof factory on Saturday, March 26, 2005.

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