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25 Eylül 2007 Salı

google easter egg /google yumurtaları-googlenin gizemi

Deep Secrets Of GOOGLE - The most amazing videos are a click away

Sadece arama motoru değil. Kocaman bir sır küpü. İşte size ufacık tefecik google süpriz yumurtaları (easter egg).
Alttaki kelimeleri yazdıktan sonra “Kendimi şanslı hissediyorum”a tıklayın.
xx-klingon, xx-piglatin, google gothic, google loco, google l33t, google bsd, google linux, google easter egg (google tavşan oyunu),
Google hesap makinesi;
sqrt(x) ==> x yerine kare kökten çıkartmak için sayı girin
pi ==> sabit 3.14 yerine kullanilacak terim, işlem yaparken kullanarak 3,1428571428571428571428571428571…yazmak zorunda kalmazsınız örn: pi*r^2
e ==> doğal terim, 2,71828183
sin, cos, tan, cot, arctan vs.. ==> trigonometrik ifadelerle işlem yapabilirsiniz örn: sin(45)
! faktöryel hesaplama ==> örn: 3! = 6 olur (1*2*3 = 6)
log(x) ==> logaritma fonksiyonu örn: log(15) = 1,17609126
ln(x) ==> logoritma e tabanında sonuç verir
Birim çevirme:
half a cup in teaspoons ==> yarım bardak kaç kaşık yapar?’a cevap verir
8 km in cm ==> 8 kilometre kaç santimetre yapar
x birim1 in birim2 ==> x birim1′i birim2 cinsinden verir (birimler day, second, feet, km, inch,ytl, usd gibi her türden olabilir

Para - borsaile ilgili herşey

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URL Submitter - URL Kay�t
Google AllTheWeb BuildTurkey
InfoTiger Rediff ScrubTheWeb
EntireWeb ExactSeek Splatsearch
WhatUseek TrueSearch GigaBlast


URL KAYDET. 1. http://search.yahoo.com/info/submit.html Yahoo! Search 2. http://search.msn.com/docs/submit.aspx?FORM=WSDD2 MSN 3. http://www.google.com/intl/en/addurl.html Google 4. http://www.about.com/gi/pages/homehc.htm#c4 About 5. http://www.dmoz.org/add.html Open Directory 6. http://www.accoona.com/submit.html Accoona 7. http://www.exactseek.com/add.html ExactSeek 8. http://www.scrubtheweb.com/addurl.html ScrubTheWeb 9. http://www.snap.com/about/site.php?last_link_type=about Snap 10. http://www.searchsight.com/submit.htm SearchSight 11. http://www.searchit.com/addurl.htm SearchIt 12. http://www.buzzle.com/suggest_basic2.asp Buzzle 13. http://www.entireweb.com/free_submission/ EntireWeb 14. http://www.whatuseek.com/addurl-secondary.shtml What U Seek 15. http://www.ezilon.com/ezilon_url_submission.htm Ezilon 16. http://www.gimpsy.com/gimpsy/searche...check_free.php Gimpsy 17. http://www.dirone.com/add_link_m.php dirOne 18. http://www.websquash.com/cgi-bin/sea...l?Mode=AnonAdd WebSquash 19. http://www.abilogic.com/how-to-suggest-a-site.php AbiLogic 20. http://addurl.amfibi.com/ Amfibi 21. http://www.01webdirectory.com/submit.htm 01WebDirectory 22. http://www.netinsert.com/en/insert.html NetInsert 23. http://www.mavicanet.com/ MavicaNET 24. http://www.searchhippo.com/addlink.php SearchHippo 25. http://www.worldsiteindex.com/ World Site Index 26. http://www.dailyorbit.com/add.htm DailyOrbit 27. http://www.nationaldirectory.com/addurl/ NationalDirectory 28. http://www.tygo.com/websites/FreeSubmitURL.aspx TYGO 29. http://www.mixcat.com/addurl.php MixCat 30. http://www.aeiwi.com/submit.html Aeiwi 31. http://www.illumirate.com/add_your_site_exp.cfm IllumiRate 32. http://www.infotiger.com/addurl.html Info Tiger 33. http://www.towersearch.com/addurl.php TowerSearch 34. http://www.splatsearch.com/submit.html SplatSearch 35. http://www.subjex.net/submit_url.html Subjex 36. http://www.qango.com/dir/addurl.html Qango 37. http://www.zeezo.com/Listings/New.aspx Zeezo 38. http://www.canlinks.net/addalink/ CanLinks 39. http://www.webbieworld.com/signup.asp WebbieWorld 40. http://www.searchking.com/add_new.htm SearchKing 41. http://www.amray.com/cgi/amray/addurl.cgi AMRAY 42. http://www.go4.it/listing.asp Go4.it 43. http://www.cipinet.com/addurl.html Cipinet 44. http://www.hedir.com/submit-help.html Hedir 45. http://www.walhello.com/addlinkgl.html Walhello 46. http://www.linketeria.com/submitsite.htm Linketeria 47. http://www.claymont.com/login/login.asp?img=y Claymont 48. http://www.jdgo.com/add.html JDGO 49. http://www.spheri.com/tc143as.php?sid=0 Sphericom 50. http://www.kaspie.com/web.html Kaspie